Why Should You Consider a Sober Coach During Early Recovery?
Research has shown that the highest level of relapse in people recovering from addiction occurs in the first weeks after treatment, and...

Could Concierge Counseling Be the Right Choice for You?
Imagine this … a competent therapist with extensive experience and expertise is on call just for YOU anywhere and anytime. Sessions can...

Interventions: Essential Information for Every Family
As a highly trained, certified and experienced interventionist, my job is to work with families on how to motivate loved ones in need of...

Support and Guidance for Parents of Teens and Young Adults
Being a young adult or teenager today is challenging to say the least! And being the parent of a young adult or teenager is challenging...

How Addiction Affects Family Members
Addiction is not a spectator sport – the collateral damage affects the entire family. This is a well-documented fact, and professionals...

Parents, Find HOPE Beyond HEROIN
Over the last couple of years, the suburbs of North Atlanta have been declared the “heroin triangle.” Many of you have heard the stories...